
In the event that you decide to vacate the property at the end of your lease, you are required to give our office a minimum of 2 weeks written notice of your intention to vacate, including a Form 13 as well as a Notice of Intention to Vacate.

These forms are both located in your welcome pack. It is very important that you contact our office to advise that you will be submitting a Notice To Vacate, should this be the case.

Your requirements regarding vacating, cleaning and other responsibilities before you vacate your property are detailed in your Vacate Checklist which is located in your welcome pack.

Please also refer to the Maximise Your Bond form for information on ways to ensure minimal to no deductions from your bond once you have vacated the property.

You will also be responsible to ensure that all keys for access to the property are returned to our office by close of business on your nominated vacate date, which will ensure that you are not charged for additional days rent.

Got any questions regarding your tenancy? Contact your Property Manager.

It is our aim to ensure that your tenancy experience a pleasurable one, therefore if you have any queries or concerns during the term of your tenancy, please don’t hesitate to give our friendly staff a call or send us an enquiry.

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